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Has an ASCII/ANSI menu and allows the user to get a full user listing, a by-level listing (if they have access) and a by-selected-paramters listing. >> Phone Checker v1.1 (08/30/95) Asks for the last four digits of their data phone number. If they don't enter it right after three times, they're outta there. >> MegaMail v1.1 (09/01/95) Have you ever wanted to send mail to every user on your system? Have you ever actually tried? It's an involved process using default CNet methods, let me tell you. Using CNet's MM (multi-mail) facility, it gets the job done, but only after you manually state all users you wish to receive the mail (which could be thousands on your system and could take conceivably hours to do). Enter SN MegaMail. Upon running of this utility, you simply enter a subject, answer a few questions, write the mail and BOOM it starts sending everyone mail and notifies you of the number of actual recipients. Nothing could be easier. >> ShowLog v1.0 (09/01/95) This tiny utility allows users to see what CNet has logged for them so far. (It justs reads the portx log.) Those with maintenance access can also view logs for users currently on other ports, too. >> MegaWho v1.1 (09/02/95) This tiny utility does a continuous WHO scan until a key is pressed. The ANSI version works alot better, but non-ANSI is supported and they both do the same thing for the most part. >> Memory Report v1.0 (09/02/95) A very small memory report for online usage. Useful for yourself, mainly. >> NUserTrack v2.3 (09/02/95) Want to show your users (via a bulletin menu-type program or in the GFiles) who logged on new to your system today? This utility creates such a textfile. This file can then be easily viewed in either of the two above methods. (Another good choice for SN Bulletins!) :) >> XFerTracker v1.2 (09/27/95) Ever wonder who's downloaded a certain file? I mean, you can tell how many users have downloaded it, but WHO? Ever wonder what files a certain user has uploaded or downloaded? Now you can keep track of all of the above with SN XFerTracker! >> LoginConfig v3.3 (09/02/95) Ever have users complain that the sys.welcome is too long or contains stuff they have no interest in? I thought so, so I wrote this to fix all that! Now you can choose what users MUST go through during login and the users can choose to either see or skip the rest! >> User-o-Meter v1.3U (09/21/95) Ever need to see which users are the most active and valuable to your system? How about your users? Are they curious, too? Well, here's the solution! This program is very simple to install and even easier to maintain! Features very nice ANSI menu routines, path self-awareness, online configuration, comprehensive online- help system, three types of auto-generated lists, a Tools menu that provides database-like queries and finally ALAS (tm) - a fully automated way for you to raise/lower users' access levels based on their activty! >> MegaMore v1.0 (09/21/95) This tiny utility adds a few movement sequences to your More? prompt. This version includes five different sequences... >> OLM PromptPrefs v1.0 (09/23/95) I personally find the prompt that comes after an OLM offensive and annoying. ;) This little utility (along with a simple bbstext mod) will allow you to give you and your users the option to turn the prompt OFF (and back on when wanted). >> UoM v1.3R Screen Shots (09/24/95) The screen shots of the registered version of UoM that I forgot to include in the UoM v1.3 distribution archive. :( >> TextChange v2.1 (09/24/95) Simple, but effective, way to compare two files and output the changes to the screen, a file or both. I use this to compare bbstext changes from version to version. There have been many other utilities to do the same thing, but I wrote this many years ago and it's served me well, so why change? >> AutoMessage v2.1 (09/25/95) AutoMessage is like CNet's News item, but it will be shown to users indefinitely (that is until you change, delete or replace it with another). >> Lines v1.1 (09/27/95) Allows you to add small one-liners to your main menu prompt (but only shown to novice help level users). I use it for system-related things, like where to find stuff and how to do this and that. Examples included. >> CPS Gauge v1.0 (?) Another CPS speed shower with a record keeper and evaluation of the CPS included. There are others, but damn it, I like the way my own stuff looks. :) >> DoorMenu v1.0 (?) Allows you to provide an ANSI menu for your door games without losing all the options CNet provides (like More? disabling, etc). In fact, this program USES CNet's PFile setups, but is transparent to the user. You add your PFiles normally, but the users only see your ANSI menu. Pretty nice! >> Socialize! v1.0 (?) This sucker is huge and has tons of features. It's made up of many seperate modules all designed to work together. Provides user biographies, registeries, match making, personality evals, essays and much more! >> Contributor v1.1 (?) This is your standard donation/contribution tracking program that shows stats for current and past goals, who's pledged what and who's actually sent what. When I've used it (not often - a hate asking for money) I've actually gotten quite a few donations, in fact, that's really the only time anyone contributes. Oh well. >> Bulletins v2.0 (?) My version of a Bulletins program. Two columns and pretty nice looking. Not much you can say about a bulletin menu, I guess. However, it will point out which bulletins have been updated since their last call and that's something I haven't seen in any others, so... Get it! >> Wall v2.6 (?) This is another graffiti wall program. Allows forced or optional new graffiti reading, aliasing and anonymous by users of certain levels (both can have a different minimum) and, if used, will notify the sysop when someone writes graffiti, what they wrote, and who they are (even when using anonymous or aliasing). Quick and nice looking. New scans show new for the DAY, not since last read. >> Logoff Prowess v1.1 (?) This simple little game (designed to be added to your sys.end) provides your users with a last minute 0.001 microvolt jolt of excitement. It involves performing a sequence of keys in the correct order as quickly as possible. If they're good enough, they get added to the Top Ten list. >> CallStats v1.0 (?) A small utility designed to run during the sys.welcome phase, but could be used anywhere. It shows what # caller they are, what the average # of calls for that day of the week, what percentage the current number is of that average, the highest number of calls and percentage of average recorded for that weekday and optionally shows the statistics for the last seven days. >> Maint Record v1.0 (?) Sometimes it's hard to keep track of modifications you've made to the system, so I made this so I could "jot" down what I did whenever I made a change. It's also handy for users to view so they can see what's going on with the BBS. >> Top Chats v1.0 (?) All the Top X Users programs work great, but they leave some Top Lists out. I made this to provide a bulletin for the Top 10 Chatters. (Who requests SysOp chat the most.) Works great when used with SN Bulletins. :) >> QuoteBox v2.1 (?) Allows users to enter quotations which, upon your okay, is moved into your quotations directory to be displayed by my included quote program. I've used this since (previous versions of the same) since 1991 and it's been a nice addition! My users love it. >> NextCallerMessage v2.5 (?) This allows users to leave a message for the next caller(s). Whenever someone leaves one, it's shown to every user that logs on until a user changes it and so on and so on, ad infinitum... Options available are to post anonymously or with an alias (level selectable by you, of course). >> CNet-Rexx Interfaced ScreenSaver (CRISS) v1.0 (?) Basically it ties a screen saver (via ARexx) to CNet log-ons and -offs. You define your "main" port (the one you have up front and watch -- the only one, if you're single node) and whenever someone is logged on, the screen saver is dormant. As soon as they log off, the screen saver is active. When someone logs on again, it's automatically made dormant again, etc. >> Gang Warfare v1.0 (?) An excellent, quick-moving and exciting gang warfare simulation. Awesome playability. Very strategic and addicting. You play your gang's boss. The object is to build up power and fame while gaining control of the majority of city blocks. Too many features to list! >> Battle Tanks v1.0 (?) Online ANSI version of side-view tank/artillery simulation (ala Scorched Tanks/Earth, Charr, etc). Play options include one or two live players (up to four total), variable-difficulty computer players and non-playing live spectators (users on other nodes may watch a game in progress), one-line inter-user chat line allowing public messages (by the players only) and private message by anyone to anyone and finally a special competition-mode! >> TrapRexx Tools v1.0 (?) Basically this is just a compilation of every little ARexx script I've put together in the years working with CNet and TrapDoor. For someone just getting started or who's just looking for some ideas or examples, I figured why make them reinvent the wheel? ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Well, that's it. Have ideas for new PFiles? Just let me know and I'll see what I can do... Phil Beazley (Midnight) beazleyp@mqg-smtp3.usmc.mil